Now it is 6 weeks since my last blog and in a way the time has been passing quite fast for me.
Don‘t know what others feel? Lockdown is easing but it’s going to be partly a confidence thing - how much risk is each one of us prepared to take???? None preferably.
the glorious weather has helped enormously and thank goodness we are going forward into Summer.
Hope art/ music/ reading and writing has been a help. Creativity often flourishes during hard times. Keep the creative posts on UDAS website going - everyone loves to see what others are up to 😊
Please keep hopeful and chirpy,
.....but the messages from on high are very mixed. I loved the cafe scene from Germany where the customers sitting outside were wearing "helicopter rotor" hats to emphasize the 2 metre rule. Keep smiling and painting! Most off all stay safe👍👍👍👍👍